Selling Automotive Parts on eBay Is a Global Business

Turning a local business into a global business doesn’t have to be as complicated as it sounds. Ecommerce platforms like eBay have actually made that transition fairly seamless for entrepreneurs like Nicolaus Wolfrum. Wolfrum runs an eBay store for his dad’s business, Jim’s Automotive Machine Shop in Greeley, Colorado. At first, Wolfrum simply worked at the shop during breaks...

3 Digital Marketing Tools to Personalize Your Customer Engagement

Experienced marketers know that customer engagement is crucial to achieving marketing success. In fact, in a recent marketing survey, 58% of marketers said that increasing customer engagement was their number one goal. However, the problem is that 44% of those same marketers also described increasing customer engagement as their number one challenge. So, what can you do...

Going Global: Six tips for marketing your business on the international stage

Marketers are increasingly looking to the global landscape to open new revenue streams, expand access to talent, diversify, and gain exposure to global investments for the businesses they support. In fact, the latest World Bank data states a whopping 58 percent of global gross domestic product (GDP) is related to foreign trade. And while...

Ed Marsh from American Express: 3 Myths You Need to Know About Exporting

Ed Marsh from American Express: 3 Myths About Exporting You Need to Know

Are you thinking about selling your products or services overseas, but aren’t sure how to go about it? I recently had a chance to speak with Ed Marsh, Export Advisor for American Express, about this very subject. He cleared up a few of the myths about exporting products and services, which I’m very happy...

subscription business

How To Start and Grow Your Subscription Business

How familiar are you with the concept of subscription businesses? Many entrepreneurs are unaware of this intriguing lifestyle business example, that has experienced some significant growth as well. This perfect tongue twister (if you don’t believe me, try repeating the words “subscription business” as fast as possible for 4-5 times) also represents a rapidly...

Why Employee Advocacy can be Your Next Big Marketing Campaign

While digital marketing elements like video content and influencer marketing are getting a lot of buzz these days, ultimately, building trust remains a crucial element for brands to elicit the engagement they aspire for. This is why tapping micro-influencers, with their smaller number of followers but higher rates of engagement are on the rise. But...

Turning Subscribers into Buyers: How Email Marketing Tools Stack Up

Turning Subscribers into Buyers: How Email Marketing Tools Stack Up

Have you recently invested money in a marketing campaign that fell flat? As any business owner is aware, in order for consumers to engage with and respond to your brand message, you must capture their attention with dynamic content. With unique personalization techniques, email marketing tools and templates allow clients to make bold statements...

Founder of Perfect Tux Shares His Big E-Commerce Success Tips

Founder of Perfect Tux Shares His Big E-Commerce Success Tips

When you think of serial entrepreneurship, you most likely think of individuals who launch business after business, logically working their way up from one company to the next. However, there are some who have taken a less traditional approach to entrepreneurship and still found themselves going toe-to-toe with those that stayed on the well-beaten...