context awareness

Why Context Awareness is the Key to a Successful Customer Service Team

As a customer, I've had quite a few customer service interactions that quickly went south. Most often, the agent simply could not make that connection with me, and the exchange pretty much ended with displeasure. Did they not understand what my question was? Were they not the best person to answer my question? How...

Project Management: Is Asana or Trello Right for Your Small Business?

As a small business owner, you are probably used to juggling projects and tasks. Everyone has their own methods, but if your memory, email or to-do list has ever failed you, you probably wondered if there is a better way. The good news: there is! The technology is called project management software, and it helps...

appreciating your team

Why Appreciating Your Team Is Good for Business

Most entrepreneurs are good at seeing opportunities and finding ways to meet needs in the marketplace. Similarly, successful leaders are adept at creating value, managing costs, and understanding their target markets. But many leaders lose sight of the #1 asset of their business and the various ways that asset can be neglected and eventually...

Why I Used Two Different Names When I Started My Business

Why I Used Two Different Names When I Started My Business

I was both Clyde and Devin in the early days—Clyde by day, and Devin by night—to keep my day and night worlds separate. As most entrepreneurs chasing their dreams experience, sometimes the “dream” doesn’t pay the bills right out of the gate. The small parcel shipping industry has very small margins, so when I was...

business innovation

Why Having a Process Is Essential For Successful Business Innovation

In 2015, consulting firm Accenture released the results of their 2015 US Innovation Survey: Clear Vision, Cloudy Execution. The study revealed a couple of major findings with regards to how companies think about business innovation and how successful they are when it comes to being innovative: 96 percent of executives said that the long-term success of...

social media recruiting

How Social Media is Changing the Way Businesses Recruit and Hire

Social Media has had a huge impact on many facets of our lives. It's changed the way we connect and socialize with our family and friends. It's also changed the way we buy as consumers and access media. For businesses, there are just as many changes. For most businesses, social media allows them to reach...

Four Key Lessons on Bringing A Product from Design to Market: August Graube’s Journey with Fort Boards

Four Key Lessons on Bringing A Product from Design to Market: August Graube’s Journey with Fort Boards

Remember how much fun it was to play with forts when you were a kid? Regardless of whether you grew up in the city or the suburbs, you no doubt found ways to use the resources around to build your own private little escape. Well, August Graube, founder of Fort Boards, wanted to recreate that...