Backpack Child Carrier Entrepreneur Shares about Shark Tank, Crowdfunding, Distractions and more…

Nathan Jones is an entrepreneur's entrepreneur. He's working on multiple "hustles", full of energy and always in motion. He created The Freeloader Child Carrier, and you'll learn from him, in this interview, his experience on Shark Tank, tips on running a successful crowdfunding campaign, the pros and cons of being distracted and more! Listen to...

Four Key Lessons on Bringing A Product from Design to Market: August Graube’s Journey with Fort Boards

Four Key Lessons on Bringing A Product from Design to Market: August Graube’s Journey with Fort Boards

Remember how much fun it was to play with forts when you were a kid? Regardless of whether you grew up in the city or the suburbs, you no doubt found ways to use the resources around to build your own private little escape. Well, August Graube, founder of Fort Boards, wanted to recreate that...

Regulated Crowdfunding Opens Small Business Investments So Anyone Can Be a Shark

Regulated Crowdfunding Opens Small Business Investments So Anyone Can Be a Shark

Small business owners often struggle with funding their business, choosing to bootstrap or use credit cards and loans because it’s hard to get in front of wealthy venture capitalists (and even harder to win these investors over.) On Monday, May 16, all of this changed with new Regulated Crowdfunding rules that will make it easier...

Study Reveals Secrets to a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] Funding a start-up business is tough. For the most part, banks, venture capitalists and even angel groups want to fund businesses that have proven themselves. Crowdfunding however, is filling the gap, according to Stand Out In the Crowd: How Women (and Men) Benefit From Equity Crowdfunding. The research was conducted by Ventureneer,...


4 Crowdfunding Mistakes to Avoid

4 Crowdfunding Mistakes to Avoid Crowdfunding isn’t a new concept but, yeah, lately it’s been getting more popular day by day. There are many famous platforms that host crowdfunding campaigns such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, RocketHub, Onevest. Needless to say, these platforms are now widely popular places for “Crowdfunders” to look for potential investors who can take their project...

8 smart crowdfunding tips

8 Smart and Easy Crowdfunding Tips

Are you excited about the possibilities of crowdfunding? Most Smart Hustlers are—perhaps none more than Zack Danger Brown, who, as of this writing, has raised more than $66,000 on Kickstarter to make potato salad. It may have started as a joke, but #potatomadness has gone viral and Brown has hustled his way to crowdfunding...