sponsoring a foreign worker

The Basics of Sponsoring a Foreign Worker

Let’s start with this: while “sponsoring foreign workers” is perhaps the most incendiary phrase in the political vocabulary right now, the fact remains that across the country tens of thousands of employers each year look outside the U.S. for permanent and temporary workers. And believe it or not, in most cases this is a very...

mind map

Get More Organized. Use Mind Mapping Instead of Just Lists

Better Businesses Come From Better Plans Whether you are an undergraduate student, a small business owner or the CEO of a large global corporation, list-making and mind mapping will play a significant role in your day-to-day life. Jotting down plans, schedules and goals is an effective way of taking the muddle of ideas in your head and...

business failure

Killing the Unsupported Myth of Business Failures

Scary Business Isn't So Scary Somehow, old statistics with limited applicability have given birth to the widespread myth that 8 out of 10 businesses will fail. To judge from the hysteria, you'd think that starting a business is akin to wrestling with an angry bear that wants to chew up all your money for no...

Ryan Deiss of Digital Marketer Shares 3 Fatal Hiring Mistakes Almost Every Small Business Makes

Today we are speaking to small business owners who have been in the hustle for a while now and are looking to get to the next level. The key to accelerated growth at this stage? Hiring the right people. That certainly doesn’t sound like earth shattering advice, but hear me out. While hiring the right team...

I Was Away From My Business for Two Weeks. How To Scale Your Business.

Recently, I was away from the day to day grind of my business - for about two weeks. Everything worked just fine, nothing bad happened and maybe business even got better. You may have a retail business, maybe it's an online e-commerce business, or maybe it's online content production or maybe it's a local...

small business productivity

Small Business Productivity: 7 Reasons Why It No Longer Needs to Be a Problem

When you went into business for yourself, you probably didn’t envision how difficult it would be to maintain productivity throughout the workday. Let’s face it: without a bunch of corporate bigwigs breathing down your neck, what sort of fire is there to spur you on to work at 100% every day when you are...

online talent platforms

How Online Talent Platforms Are Changing the Way We Do Business

Over the past decade, there has been an enormous shift in the jobs landscape, with more and more people choosing to enter what we now call the gig economy. Freelancing has become highly desirable among professionals looking for more autonomy and flexibility in their work lives, while individuals looking to hire skilled professionals for...