Entrepreneur Magazine Editor Shares Tips on Low Cost Marketing for a Growing Biz

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] Many business owners believe that success is dependent on the size of your marketing budget, but what if you were told that the best marketing costs you nothing at all? That's right - there are low cost marketing solutions for every growing biz to capitalize on! That’s the message Ray Hennessey...

Raj Thakkar on How to Organize Your Business Finances

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] This week on Ignition, Raj Thakkar, CEO and founder of FOREsight Financial Services for Good shares everything business owners need to know about organizing your business finances. This is box titleQuestion of the Week: I run a popular local restaurant. We have two locations and could do a third but before I go down...

5 Ways to Create Focus and Be More Productive in Your Business

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] Spending a set amount of time focusing on one activity to see it through to completion may seem boring, but I guarantee you that the outcome is not. The outcome is progress, which is something we all strive for. This is box title Focus is a skill you have to learn. If you’re...

Janette Gleason on How to Spend a Marketing Budget

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] For small businesses and entrepreneurs it takes time to develop your business to a point where you have enough of a cushion to have a marketing budget. Until your business reaches that point,  marketing is often put on the back burner to be dealt with later. So what do you do when...

3 Motivation Killers Every Entrepreneur Needs to Avoid

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] One of the big challenges you face as an entrepreneur is self-motivation. I’ve been journaling on self-motivation for many years now, because I struggle with it myself. Aside from taking care of my clients and doing the things that I absolutely love to do, there’s a lot of less exciting tasks...

Why Millennials Will Change the Face of Small Business Lending

The media loves to talk about millennials. For those of us currently in our 20s and early 30s, that means they’re talking about us. Sometimes it’s in a good way. Other times, not so much. But, with every new generation that enters the workforce, this is what happens. We’ve just happened to enter at...

3D Printing: 4 Small Businesses Cashing In On This Revolutionary Tech

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] In with the old and out with the new. That seems to be a common trend with technology today. Almost everyday the technology industry is flooded with new devices that are more advanced, affordable and efficient than the last. From dial phones to cell phones, computers to laptops and boom boxes...

5 Tips on What To Consider When Hiring

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] Hiring, regardless of size of your company, is one of the most daunting, anxiety ridden and costly tasks you will be faced with as a business owner. For small businesses, however, it comes at a much greater cost, both in time and dollars. So getting it ‘right’ is of the utmost...

Ignition Video Series: Stacey Harris on Developing a Social Media Plan That Works

  [content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] As many entrepreneurs know, social media plays such an important role when it comes to marketing for your business. With so many different platforms to choose from and a limitless amount of audiences to target, the number of possibilities on social media are endless. So how do entrepreneurs know where to start? ...

HustleCon: The Conference That Says ‘Forget the Tech, It’s All About the Hustle’

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] For some reason, and maybe we need to blame this on Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and the media, there is a perception that successful entrepreneurs are tech geek geniuses that sit in a back room and code until the money starts rolling in. It is, after all, an age of technology...