How To Write and Get the Most from Bylines and Sponsored Articles

As editor of I’m pitched what’s probably hundreds or more times per year for by-lined article submissions. Most of the articles we receive are crap. Here’s why. The PR professional, in the VERY understandable need to get the links, clicks and overall visibility for their clients writes what’s really an infomercial all about the client. The article...

Self-care for Entrepreneurs: Dead Entrepreneurs Are Of No Value Says Peter Shankman

When you first think of entrepreneurs, what do you think of? Are your thoughts about them realistic? What is the life of an entrepreneur really like? People tend to think of entrepreneurs as successful people who are living life to the fullest. While this may be true of some entrepreneurs, it certainly does not...

Ivy Slater Leads Female Founders Forum at Smart Hustle Growth Conference NYC

Female founders face special challenges that their male counterparts don't. Access to funding, being taken seriously, managing their family and business are just a few of the challenges. Successful entrepreneurs such as Sarah Blakely and Rebecca Minkoff are just two of the many founders who are passionate and focused on empowering women entrepreneurs. At the 2019 Smart...