Ignore Your Competition. Focus on Doing Exceptionally Great Work.

Stop worrying about the competition. Last week I bought a pair of "knock off" ear buds for someone. They wanted a cheap ($30) pair, and in fairness that was their budget. When we opened the box we realized how much different they were than the $200+ original Apple ear buds (which I own). The construction was cheap, the...

6 Tips for Marketing on a Budget

The world of marketing is changing. Gone are the days of throwing huge budgets at traditional channels such as television and magazine ads, billboards at busy intersections or posters on public transit vehicles. It’s never been easier to market your brand, sell your product, or disrupt your industry on a small shoestring budget. From viral...

From Penniless to the NYSE: Successful Entrepreneurship from President of the National Entrepreneur Center

Jerry Ross, president of the National Entrepreneur Center (NEC), is a serial entrepreneur who wants to help....everyone. Under his leadership, the Orlando, FL based organization has coordinated the efforts of 14 non-profits who support business, under one roof, to provide face-to-face coaching and training to over 15k entrepreneurs annually. How does an organization with only...

The Entrepreneur’s Curse: Why Passion Can Be Dangerous for the Small Business Start-up

Most of the stories we hear about entrepreneurs are epic.  Silicon Valley rock stars, massively leveraged IPO’s, black turtle-necks and dazzling technology. But the truth is much more down to earth, because for the most part it’s really about people like you. Someone with a good idea and the passion to start what is...

Smart Hustle Magazine Entrepreneur of the Year Awards

The Smart Hustle Magazine Entrepreneur of the Year awards honors business owners, entrepreneurs and champions of small business who best exemplify the hustle, the Smart Hustle, of entrepreneurship and the small business community. Considered leaders by their peers, Smart Hustle Magazine Entrepreneur of the Year honorees are professionals who demonstrate success in business ownership and...

Mr. Cory’s Cookies – Son and Mom’s Business Spreading Love One Cookie at a Time

We are proud to announce the return of the 13th Annual Smart Hustle Small Business Conference. This year, we will be hosting amazing speakers including the owners of Mr. Cory’s Cookies, Mr. Cory and Cookie Mom! Mr. Cory's Cookies is a NJ based company founded by 6 year old Cory Nieves, aka Mr. Cory. He...