small business security

Security 101 for Small Business

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] Businesses of all sizes use technology to interact with customers and take care of day-to-day duties. With the growing popularity of mobile devices, professionals can even remain connected to office files and emails when they aren’t in the office. They can respond to requests and fill orders from home or...

Don’t Give Your Employees Company Credit Cards Until You Read This

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] Managing the books is often one of the biggest headaches for small-business owners. When employees make purchases on behalf of the company — either with their own money with the intention of being reimbursed or with company money in the form of a check or credit card — managing the expenses...

How 10 Minutes a Day Can Transform Your Health, Productivity and Sales

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"]   Maybe you’ve heard of the 80/20 rule (or Pareto’s Principle that says 80% of our results come from just 20% of our effort), the rule of three (we tend to remember lists of three items), and Parkinson’s Principle (work expands to fit the time allotted). What about the 10-minute rule? Never hear of...

RuleBreaker Award Winners Celebrated July 28th in New Orleans

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] By nature, entrepreneurs are rule breakers. They aren't followers. They ignore conventional wisdom. They take the path less traveled. They do things the hard way. They do things their way. To honor these entrepreneurs, and to celebrate them for not embracing the norm, but for breaking the rules and following their...

Three Trends Shaping the Modern Small Business Office

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] Today’s business landscape is more challenging than ever before – technology is changing the way that customers want to engage with small businesses, the internet is bringing new customers into reach, and businesses need to be leaner and more innovative than ever to stay relevant amidst emerging competition. For many small business...

Mobile Meetings As Easy As ‘One-Touch’ with [Apple Watch Giveaway]

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] Collaborative technology is shrinking the space between you and your remote workers, increasing productivity and boosting the efficiency of communication. If you have remote workers in your business or employees who frequently travel, one tool that should be on your radar is, LogMeIn, Inc.’s popular online meeting tool, makes having...

GPS Girl

5 Easy Tips From The GPS Girl: Directions for Performance Success

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"]Being able to give our best in our business really takes something.  The expectations and pressures on the entrepreneur are vast.  We are doing it all and bombarded with information from all sides. How do we get it all done? What do we do to stay focused on our destination? When we are feeling...

5 Tips to Become a Great Leader

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] There is one thing every Fortune 500 company has in common: an effective leader at its helm. Leadership isn’t just about calling the shots and having people that do what you say. It’s so much more than that. Unfortunately, there are quite a few people that think that’s all there is...

Europeans vs. Americans: Who’s More Productive and Why?

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] Last fall I had the opportunity to spend six weeks backpacking through six different countries in Europe. It was a truly amazing experience, and it was interesting to see the differences in work and lifestyles. Breakfast often consisted of as many espressos as you could handle and delicious pastries that you could only dream of....

Dan Wernikoff of Intuit Shares New Opportunities for Small Business

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] I recently had the chance to sit down with Dan Wernikoff, SVP and GM of Small Business Finance Group at Intuit. Dan shared three ways that Intuit is reaching out and providing new opportunities to small businesses and entrepreneurs.  Here are a few of the key points that Dan talks about: This is box title“Small...