The one thing that every Smart Hustler knows is that learning is the key to growing a business. Our Smart Business articles are designed to provide the best information in every aspect of business – marketing, finance, social media and more.

Hooked On Profits

Consulting: A Great Way to Profit from Your Knowledge Base

When your 16-year-old son Jonathan inquires as to the availability of the old couch in the basement, you know you’re in trouble. You're in trouble because a split-second after the question left his mouth, I began doing the math: the couch in the basement; Jon’s room on the second floor; older brother away at college....

The Truth About Ramping Up (or Winding Down) Your Seasonal Small Business

The Truth About Ramping Up (or Winding Down) Your Seasonal Small Business

Seasons change and with them so do the cash flows of many small businesses. The “small business” designation is not one-size-fits-all. If you’re the local mom & pop hardware store, your spring and summer peak season is very different than the boutique retailer down the block who thrives during the holiday. Ensuring your business has the...

YP Research Reveals Why Consumers Do or Do Not Complete a Purchase

YP Research Reveals Why Consumers Do or Do Not Complete a Purchase

Today’s buyers have the world at their fingertips, and they use both in-store and online research to explore options before making a purchase, including comparing different stores or the various features of similar products. As a seller, one of the main questions is what makes someone stop and actually complete a purchase? By knowing...

4 Things You’re Doing That Drive Customers Away

4 Things You’re Doing That Drive Customers Away

As an e-commerce branding consultant, small business owners are constantly asking me what they can do to attract new customers. While it’s always great to find and implement new ways to draw in new shoppers and drive sales, most store owners don’t think about what they’re currently doing that may be driving existing customers...

My Business Diary: 9 Challenges You Need To Overcome In 2017

My Business Diary: 9 Challenges You Need To Overcome In 2017

Today marks the fifth anniversary of my business, Ledaza, a company that helps small and family-owned businesses succeed in marketing and sales. I noticed lately that so many entrepreneurial stories begin with, "I left a very successful career…" Therefore, I decided to take a different approach: an open letter addressed to the clients I...

Differentiation The Key to Loyal Customers for Life

Differentiation: The Key to Loyal Customers for Life

The key to winning loyal customers is to stand out from the competition. Not sure how to do that? For a lesson in differentiation, today we invite you to listen to an interview with Sassa Akervall, CEO of Akervall Technologies Inc. (ATI), the manufacturing company that makes Sisu Sports Mouthguards. Back in the late 2000s,...

The Sky's the Limit: How Scaling Can Help You Reach New Heights

The Sky’s the Limit: How Scaling Can Help You Reach New Heights

How does a business transform from a small drapery workshop in the dining room of an apartment to a high-end home and office interior technology company? SCALING! And you can do it with your business too, just follow the advice of Norman Rosenberg of Rosenberg Interior Technologists. Norman’s parents survived the Holocaust and came to...