The Sky’s the Limit: How Scaling Can Help You Reach New Heights
How does a business transform from a small drapery workshop in the dining room of an apartment to a high-end home and office interior technology company? SCALING! And you can do it with your business too, just follow the advice of Norman Rosenberg of Rosenberg Interior Technologists.
Norman’s parents survived the Holocaust and came to America shortly after. His mom was a talented seamstress, so she started a small drapery business in their apartment. His dad joined later and, by the age of ten, even Norman was helping out by taking out the trash. By 17 he had his driver’s license and was a full-fledged installer. In his 20’s, he got married, and his wife joined the company as a seamstress too.
[Tweet “How @roseintech used #scaling to grow their #business.”]Shortly after, Norman’s parent’s retired and passed away, but he has continued running the business for about 30 years since – although it certainly has morphed and expanded in those three decades. The company’s success and longevity can be attributed to Norman’s ability to scale.
As he explains in this interview, it is often very difficult to get a new customer, but once you have existing customers who trust you, you have the opportunity to sell them additional products and services. Finding the right manner of scaling is a combination of staying on top of the latest trends, finding things that are parallel to what you are already offering, continuing to learn and grow, and asking your customers what other things they are looking for.
In this way, Norman’s company has expanded from a small drapery workshop into a business specializing in anything that goes on a window and then into a company that can assist with all sorts of high-tech components in your home or office, including motorized window treatments various control systems.
Listen to the interview below to hear more about Norman’s story and to get his tips on scaling, client relationships and the lifelong learning journey.
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