What’s Your Plan B and C In Case Plan A Fails? Aquavault (Shark Tank Contestant) Founder Shares His Insights.

Jonathan Kinas co-founded Aquavault after he and his buddies had their valuables stolen off a beach. He was a contestant on Shark Tank and Smart Hustle's Ramon Ray (LINK) caught up with him to get his insights and tips. One of the challenges Aqauvault faced early on was when to launch. This is a common...

Sippy Cup Creator Says Market Positioning Is Essential in Branding

Hannah Lim and her husband founded Lollaland out of a need to ensure they're children could get used to drinking out of a cup. You can read their story here. Listen to our discussion below and learn the vital importance of positioning your product for the right customer in the right market. Hannah would look at...

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone with Rieva Lesonsky

Rieva Lesonsky has been helping small businesses start and grow for many years. Her recent book, Small Business Hacks is a must read. In this interview, Rieva discusses with Ramon Ray why it's so important for business owners to get out of their comfort zones. Sure. you feel safe and secure and the risk is low....

Growing Profitability with Bench.co CEO, Ian Crosby

It's "easy" for companies to generate cash and see revenue. However, what's a challenge for most of us is ensuring we're profitable. Listen to this discussion with Ian Crosby, founder and CEO of Bench who discusses with me this importance concept. We also reviewed why Bench.co is a great solution for business owners who...

Practical Advice for Finding Balance from a Mogul Mom

If you looked in "Wikipedia" for the ultimate entrepreneur - it'd be Gabriella Ribeiro. Owner of 2 companies and one organization helping women entrepreneurs - Mogul Moms,  Gabriella lives a busy and fulfilled life. In our interview, we discussed the importance of balance. Many entrepreneurs, me included, are challenged with prioritizing. Sometimes we have a challenge...

Future Proof Your Company Says NJ CoWorking Space Entrepreneur

Donna Miller is a woman on a mission. A mission to ensure NJ's business owners can have affordable working space and focus more on their businesses and less on their back-office operations. C3 Workplace is an oasis for many New Jersey businesses. In this interview, Donna and I speak about the importance of future proofing...

You Can’t Do Everything. Build A Team Says Shark Tank Contestant Travis Perry of Chord Buddy

Travis Perry gets a joy out of seeing children (and adults) learn the guitar through his invention and company, Chord Buddy. You might have seen him on an episode of Shark Tank. During our discussion Travis not only shared his story, but also offered several important tips, including: You must have passion to keep you...

Backpack Child Carrier Entrepreneur Shares about Shark Tank, Crowdfunding, Distractions and more…

Nathan Jones is an entrepreneur's entrepreneur. He's working on multiple "hustles", full of energy and always in motion. He created The Freeloader Child Carrier, and you'll learn from him, in this interview, his experience on Shark Tank, tips on running a successful crowdfunding campaign, the pros and cons of being distracted and more! Listen to...

LinkedIn Is The Best Human to Human Business Networking Platform. Tips from Phil Gerbyshak

Social media has been around for several years now, but still we can learn tips and best practices in how to use it. Digital marketer Phil Gerbyshak shares his insights on the power of LinkedIn for generating BUSINESS and building relationships. Use LinkedIn to see how you perfect customer is and find more people like...

Do Persistent Follow Up But Not a Pest Says Isaiah Joyner of Reserv

Being young (and black) can be a challenge for Isaiah Joyner of boutique concierge company, Reserv. But through the power of networking, confidence and daily affirmation he's growing his business. I had a discussion with Isaiah about the power of networking, persistence and follow up and some of the many gems, listen to our interview...