Best Practices To Get The Most Out Of Your Team Building Activities

Best Practices To Get The Most Out Of Your Team Building Activities

All companies and professional teams, from small to large businesses, eventually face workplace challenges, whether they are related to communication, environment, project management, or the like. Many business owners don’t think of team building activities as solutions to these problems, but in reality, they can go a long way in solving a variety of...

5 Ideas for Taking Your Successful Startup to the Next Level

5 Ideas for Taking Your Successful Startup to the Next Level

According to statistics, only 1 out of every 10 startups manages to succeed, while the remaining 90% fail due to lack of experience, incompetence, negligence or even fraud. On the other hand, the minority that achieves stellar success pride themselves on their awareness of the market requirements, their clearly defined goals and the ability to...

Why Every Small Business Owner Needs an Accountability Partner

Why Every Small Business Owner Needs an Accountability Partner

Consider this saying: “Where your time and efforts go, so too goes your company.” Although simple, it is a critical success factor for operating a thriving business. This is a particularly relevant guiding principle, especially since we’re pulled in multiple directions. Have you ever sat down in the evening and wondered “where has the day gone?”...

Should Small Businesses Offer Employee Health Benefits

Should Small Businesses Offer Employee Health Benefits?

For any business, big or small, benefits serve as a crucial part of employees’ remuneration package. In fact, employees look forward to health care benefits the most, coupled with holidays and monetary perks. Therefore, it makes sense for business owners to give serious thought to offering health benefits. Not only does this work in...

5 Signs of Disengaged Employees (And How You Can Turn Them Around)

5 Signs of Disengaged Employees and How You Can Turn Them Around

Engaged workers understand the purpose of their company and their role within the organization. They share their employer’s vision and work hard to achieve goals that support the company's bottom line. Employees who engage in the workplace pursue personal and professional development and aim to become more productive and valuable to their employer. Crucial to...