Have You Checked Your Business Credit Recently? 

Business credit is so important and it's much different than personal credit. Gerri Detweiler is the Education Director at Nav and chats with Ramon Ray on the importance of business credit.  Business vs Personal Credit  Did you know your business can have its own credit report and score? What’s different about business and personal credit, is that no...

Are You A CEO or Entrepreneur? The Difference Could Save Your Business.

Last week I hosted/emceed the 3 day Small Business Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida hosted by the Jim Moran Institute and the Florida Small Business Development Center Network. One of the many breakout sessions I attended was focused on finances and led by Octavia Conner, virtual CFO and founder of Say Yes To Profits and she...

Should You Be In Business? Maybe You Should Get A Good Job.

One of the pleasures I have in traveling the country speaking to thousands of business owners is hearing many of their challenges. Of course the desire to get more customers and keep the ones they already having buy more is ONE big challenge. However, I also hear from business owners who are FRUSTRATED in growing their...

4 Ways to Cut Business Expenses

Running a business is expensive – your insurance costs are always going up, your cost to travel via an airplane increases each year and your supplies costs always seem to rise. Small businesses are constantly being squeezed by increases in expenses, making controlling costs more important than ever. Take a look at these four...

5 Things to Consider Before Applying for Additional Business Financing

As a business owner, your greatest stress is likely ensuring you have enough money to run your operations. Even if you have a lucrative business, there might be times that you require more financing, and that’s okay. Many business owners turn to alternative lenders to receive the additional working capital they need. Still, there...

Impact of Trump’s Tax Plan on Small Businesses from Xero Exec

The recent passage of the Republican tax bill could lead to big changes for small businesses. But some entrepreneurs are still unsure exactly which parts of the bill might have the biggest impact. So a financial professional could potentially shed some light on the specifics. Ryan Himmel is a CPA and head of financial partnerships in the...

Your Business Credit Score Is Important. Video Interview with Intuit Executive.

More than half of small businesses have not built a credit score. And that can be a major problem when those businesses seek out financing to grow their business. Small Business Trends recently sat down with Rania Succar, head of QuickBooks Capital, to discuss the importance of business credit scores and planning ahead for financing your small business’s growth. Watch the...

Quickbooks Capital Lends Money to Growing Business with New Offering

The industry of lending money to businesses is booming. We see it every week on Shark Tank - investors investing in businesses or sometimes just offering them a loan (which must be paid back) so the businesses can scale and get to the next level. Loans are often needed to purchase more inventory, to...