Is It Time To Re-Calibrate Your Business.? Evaluate Your Customers, Team, Products and More.

It's important to re-calibrate your business. Sometimes it could be HUGE changes in the direction of your business. But often times it's smaller tweaks that make things better. Should you go after new markets? new clients? do you have the right team in place? Don't keep doing the same things all the time but be WILLING to...

SCORE 2019 FedEx Small Business Grant Contest @scorementors @fedex

What could you do with $15,000, $30,000 or even $50,000 for your small business? The FedEx Small Business Grant Contest, with SCORE, has returned, offering even more money to 10 winners. Entries will be accepted February 19 through March 25. Entering is a great opportunity to gain exposure for your business and connect with your...

Does Vertical Video Make a Difference? We Spent $6,000 on Tests to Find Out

From Buffer - There has been much discussion recently on industry-leading publications about the effectiveness of video on social media. For example, did you know that video posts on Facebook receive at least 59 percent more engagement than other post types? Since our 2017 research with Animoto comparing square vs. landscape video, little has been published around the impact of video format...

Public Speaking and Presenting: What I’ve Learned from Over 20 Years on Stage SmartHustleMagazine

Speaking YOU! How to create & deliver your Signature Speech with Robyn Hatcher

Join NAWBO and Robyn Hatcher, “recovering” actor & communication skills expert, believes everyone has a story inside them. Our unique stories have the power to attract, inspire and heal both ourselves and our listeners. In this interactive presentation, Robyn will help you create and deliver a talk that communicates your passion, purpose and expertise. Feb 26 -...

Ignore Your Competition. Focus on Doing Exceptionally Great Work.

Stop worrying about the competition. Last week I bought a pair of "knock off" ear buds for someone. They wanted a cheap ($30) pair, and in fairness that was their budget. When we opened the box we realized how much different they were than the $200+ original Apple ear buds (which I own). The construction was cheap, the...

Why Executive Time is Essential for Entrepreneurs. Do You Spend Enough Time Learning and Thinking?

As I was on the treadmill this morning, I watched the "news" clip from CNN about the time President Trump has on his schedule as executive time. CBS News reports on it here. Setting aside the politics of this, it got me thinking about "executive time". How much time do YOU spending, thinking, reading, learning? As business...