Ready, Set Go! 5 Absolutely Easy Ways to Sell Better

Ready, Set, Go! 5 Absolutely Easy Ways to Sell Better

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"]  Having turned the page on our 2015 calendars, we are now moving headlong into the New Year. Many business owners and entrepreneurs will cast their eyes on growing their business and associated revenues in 2016. Some will start the year with baby steps towards accomplishing their goals while others will take...

5 Ways to Maximize the Value of Virtual Assistants in Your Business

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"]Whether they are referred to as freelancers, telecommuters or home based workers, virtual assistants are people who are contracted to provide services from a remote location. Over the last few years, the role of the Virtual Assistant has grown in prominence. Integrating virtual assistance services in the work force has proven to...

Small Business Optimism Grows Around the World: Results from DNA of an Entrepreneur Study

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] Results are in for the 7th annual DNA of an Entrepreneur study, a global research project conducted by Hiscox that gives us a glimpse at small businesses around the world. This year’s study found a sharp increase in optimism as well as upward trends for sales and innovation. Here’s a look...

Juggler Jen Slaw on Achieving a Work Life Balance

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"]One of the biggest and most common challenges of entrepreneurship is finding a healthy work life balance.  Since we often wear many hats in our business, it can become overwhelming to try and juggle all of the responsibilities without getting overwhelmed.  To help with this issue, Jen Slaw, speaker and expert juggler,...

small business owners relieve stress

5 Fantastic Ways Small Business Owners Can Relieve Stress

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"]As an entrepreneur you probably have had friends or former colleagues say, “You're so lucky to be doing your own thing”. Yes, the experience of owning your own business and seeing your ideas materialize is extremely rewarding. However, the reality is that being a small business owner is extremely stressful, especially...

Tick Tock: How 6 Smart Hustle Entrepreneurs Make the Most of Every Minute

If you’re like most small business owners, you won’t be surprised to learn a recent Sage survey found time management is one of the top personal challenges faced by startups. If you have a lot of ideas and not enough time to implement them—no matter how hard you hustle—it’s time to adopt some smart...