Leadership. Are You In Your Team’s Way? 6 Things to Consider.
As a leader of my team at Smart Hustle I often wonder, how much to “help” a team member and how much to get out of the way and trust their genius skills and abilities. This is the dilemma of leadership.
In a traditional corporate environment there’s the model of management by walking around, which the Wall Street Journal writes about. However, some studies show that this management style could be detrimental to your employees.
No matter the size of your team, there’s a few things to keep in mind, to be able to support your team, so they can effectively support you and the business.
- Hire people who care about you and your business and their role in it.
- Hire people who are highly skilled and you can learn from.
- Ask your team what they need to succeed and how you can support them.
- Have systems in place to keep track of team member responsibilties
- Know what YOU do best and what YOUR contribution is to the team and to the company.
- As Tony Chatman shared at the 20919 Smart Hustle Growth Conference have a “not to do list” so you know what you should NOT be doing.
These are just a few ways you, as a leader can support your team and not be in their way.
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