Pricing, cash flow, money and more.

From Sailor to Entrepreneur. Captain Levy Turns Her Passion to Profit.

Captain Nitzan Levy is a sailboat captain who turned her love of water and sailing into a business, helping others who enjoy this passion do more of it through her sailing club, Sailors NYC. Sit back and listen to why Captain Levy got investment money, instead of a line or credit cards. Listen to how...


Smarter Loans: Review of a Service To Obtain Personal or Business Loan in Canada

Many people in Canada and North America rely heavily on credit. Whether it is for a personal or commercial purpose, almost everyone at some point needs access to a loan of some kind. We've partnered with Smart Loans to share this sponsored review of their service with you. In Canada, there are many options to obtain...

Loving the Word No! Ruth King Interviews Entrepreneur Ramon Ray on the Profitability Revolution

Join Ramon Ray and Ruth King for a fun and information packed interview. The Profitability Revolution has hundreds of videos sharing advice and insight HR, Sales, Marketing, Finance and more! Ruth and Ramon's discussion included: Can you ever stop hustling? How do you know numbers are your week point? What are benefits to marketing to...

Impact of Trump’s Tax Plan on Small Businesses from Xero Exec

The recent passage of the Republican tax bill could lead to big changes for small businesses. But some entrepreneurs are still unsure exactly which parts of the bill might have the biggest impact. So a financial professional could potentially shed some light on the specifics. Ryan Himmel is a CPA and head of financial partnerships in the...