Robert Weiss on Video Marketing for Small Businesses
Watch this week’s episode of Ignition by clicking here, or simply watch below.
Robert Weiss says, “YES”, when it comes to using video marketing in your business. Here are a few of the ways that every business can benefit from using videos and what to look for in response to their videos:
Quick and to the Point
Consumers today do most of their research for products and services online. The advantages of using a video for your business is being able to relay a message to consumers more quickly and efficiently that fits their every day on-the-go lifestyle.
What Should I Be Looking For?
To see what kind of responses your video is getting there are a few metrics that businesses should track. These include the number of views, the minutes watched and how many videos are being watched per session.
Creating Good Quality Vidoes
Creating a good quality video is important to build trust between you and your consumers. The quality of your video should correlate with your business. As a professional, it is important to keep your videos professional and keep the number of low quality videos at a minimum (i.e not using your iPhone or laptop to record all of your videos and using good quality lighting and audio).
Learn more about video marketing for your business by watching this week’s episode of Ignition here.
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