The FEARLESS: 3 Entrepreneurs Who Didn’t Let Fear Stop Them
Mary Lynn Schroeder
Founder and Owner of In Blue Handmade, Inc.
Let’s be clear. Mary Lynn had no experience producing hand-made leather goods. She also had no experience in how to make a living selling her wares. All she knew was she wanted to make a business out of it – one way or another. It was about this time that Etsy, the popular eCommerce marketplace where people from around the world connect to buy and sell unique goods, was created. So Mary Lynn started posting her products there – and In Blue Handmade had its start.
Five years later, In Blue Handmade has more than 32,000 Etsy sales, 300 wholesalers, eight employees and a new home in Asheville, NC. The company has done $1 million plus in sales since 2012 and is on track to have their first $1 million dollar sales year.