How to Become a Celebrity CEO
As a celebrity CEO, you become a well-known expert in your area of business, within a local or niche community. Over time, you’ll carefully cultivate a community of engaged fans, some of whom become happy and profitable customers. To do this, you market yourself as an authentic human being with genuine creativity, insight, experience, or just plain magnetism that attracts the right people. This is called personal branding.
Want a sneak peek at what’s in the Celebrity CEO book before you buy? Watch Ramon’s free personal branding video and sign up for his new five-part mini e-course, Celebrity CEO Recipe, at no cost. When you sign up, you can look forward to five daily emails: not too long, not too short, but just the right length for you to take action in your business now. Grab your Celebrity CEO Recipe here. It’s easy.
B2B and B2C businesses alike use personal branding to inspire, educate, and share stories that appeal to their ideal customers. From social media to speaking on the stage, publishing a book to putting out a podcast, Ramon’s mini e-course and ebook offer simple ideas to jumpstart your personal branding journey.