Ramon's Favorite Books

Good books are powerful. The provide often timeless insights from pretty smart people who have the personal experience or have put in the research to help you. These are some of my favorite business books which have helped me.


Profit First – essential guide and principles to building PROFIT in your boss. Gross revenue is nothing. Must read book which has transformed my personal life and business.

Leadership and operations

Entre Leadership – Dave Ramsey’s playbook for building a business that’s built to last with practical business insights on hiring, marketing and more.

The Emyth – New to starting a business? Curious what it takes to start and grow a business. This is a MUST read.

The Million Dollar One Person Businesses – awesome insights that every one person business should read and be inspired to learn from

Turning The Fly Wheel – understand what makes your business a success and you’ll build a business with systems and processes that’s massively scalable


This is Marketing – This is not your traditional marketing book and Seth Godin is no traditional marketer. If you want to do REAL marketing right, read this.

They Ask You Answer – the key to inbound leads is to answer your customers questions, it takes time but do it and you’ll win!

Celebrity CEO – Ramon’s playbook for building and growing your personal brand.