5 Security Tips to Keep Your Business Data Safe in the Cloud
With any new technology comes a fresh set of security concerns. While cloud service providers work hard to keep their applications and servers as safe from security breaches as possible, an element of risk still exists. Here are a few things businesses can do to protect their customer data, websites, servers, and devices as they begin to use cloud software.
Restrict App Downloads
Now that employees work using a combination of PCs and mobile devices, it’s more important than ever that they have processes in place to restrict software downloads. End users can easily take it upon themselves to download apps without asking permission and those apps may be unsafe. Any device that connects to a business’s server should be checked regularly for unauthorized apps, since a malicious app could impact the entire organization.
Choose Vendors Carefully
With so many cloud vendors now promising top-notch security, businesses can easily be swayed. But your cloud vendor will have access to sensitive information like business secrets and protected customer information. For that reason, businesses should chose proven solutions and pay particular attention to the security standards the service promises to meet.
Use Antimalware
Antimalware will give your devices the extra layer of protection they need against any malware infestations. Bitdefender has a business security suite designed specifically for small businesses. Make sure the antimalware solution you choose includes intrusion to catch issues as they happen. If your entire infrastructure is hosted in the cloud, you’ll need to discuss malware and intrusion prevention with your provider to determine what, if anything, you need to do to keep your devices safe.
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In the course of doing business, you may put your systems at risk by allowing the wrong people access to secure areas. This could be repair personnel, third-party IT vendors, or your own contractors and vendors. Before handing over a password or giving someone access to your server rooms or office space, offer the minimum access necessary to complete the work.
Set Remote Wipe Capabilities
The smartphones and tablets your employees check work email on every day can easily be lost or misplaced. If that happens, consider the information that could be compromised and take measures to prevent it. Require work-issued devices to have lock screens and set each device up so that it can be remotely wiped. This feature can be easily set up for both iOS and Android devices.
In a cloud-connected environment, businesses must work harder than ever to make sure their infrastructures remain safe. With so many great tools available to help, small businesses can keep their work environments safe while also enjoying access to the same applications their much larger competitors use in their own daily operations.
This article is written in partnership with, and sponsored by, Bitdefender. All views expressed are solely those of the author, not Bitdefender. For additional information from the sponsor on small business security, visit them on the web at www.bitdefender.com/. You can also join them on Facebook or follow them on Twitter at @Bitdefender